
Meow! Pretty kitty mittens

I tried doing colorwork, but I suck at it... My stitches get all tight and the picture doesn't look like anything, and the wires get tangled and then the wires in m brain get tangled and I get frustrated!

But then someone on Ravelry suggested embroidering patches of color on! Good one!

So when owlie buddy Winterfi "forced" me to make a pair of kitty mittens I did them duplicate stitch style, and I love them!

This is their story:

Monsieur Meow was done in the Dordogne in France, he is a down to earth farm kitty and is wondering why the girls are making so much fuss over ribbons… He much rather would be chasing the mice from the warm fireplace and then curl up on a warm lap of a lovely knitter.
Mademoiselle Meow however was done in Paris and she is a far more sophisticated kitty. And since she was embroidered on in the gardens of Versailles Palais for one thing she can be fussy and purrretty with lots of ribbon! Her and me had a lot of laughs and fun over the trailing ribbon from her bow! Yes please I will have some foie grasse for lunch thank you, and I want some Laduree maccarons as dessert with a cafe noisette silvousplait..
They might seem like an odd couple right now, and they don’t know it yet, but they were made for each other! I see a gorgeous spring wedding in their future, with wine and friends and lots of food, both rustic and fine.

Oh and of course this is another Tiny Owl Knits pattern! See link in favorites tab!
No, I'm in no way obsessed by her designs.... okay... yes I am!

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